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Ibrahim Sangaré


Jack Armstrong
Don't see it with this guy if I'm honest. There hasn't really been a game I remember this season where I thought "Sangare is Mustard." and I have to say, the fact we spent all summer chasing him and we've broke our transfer record for him, it comes with an expectation that he's simply not got anywhere near. Seems to come back from international duty with something wrong with him every time as well, it's annoying.

The Frog

Viv Anderson
Don't see it with this guy if I'm honest. There hasn't really been a game I remember this season where I thought "Sangare is Mustard." and I have to say, the fact we spent all summer chasing him and we've broke our transfer record for him, it comes with an expectation that he's simply not got anywhere near. Seems to come back from international duty with something wrong with him every time as well, it's annoying.
Can’t argue with your first point. He hasn’t got going. That’s said just because he cost a lot doesn’t mean he will adapt instantly the world doesn’t always work like that regardless of expectation. Hojlund is a good example for that…took a bit of time and now has got going.

However, I don’t think we have helped him or ourselves either. We needed a DM, chased him all window because he was a high performing DM and proceeded to play him further forward. Go figure.
Don't see it with this guy if I'm honest. There hasn't really been a game I remember this season where I thought "Sangare is Mustard." and I have to say, the fact we spent all summer chasing him and we've broke our transfer record for him, it comes with an expectation that he's simply not got anywhere near. Seems to come back from international duty with something wrong with him every time as well, it's annoying.
The fact he might be being written off is enough for me. The guy is going to be a star!!


Geoff Thomas
He’ll be fine after a run of games and a bit of stability. Afcon, injuries and change of manager hasn’t helped him settle in. May even be next season when we see the best of him.
Indeed. Much like Mangala earlier this season. And whether people agree with selling him or not, we’re supposedly getting £30m+ for him in the end.

Alf-engelos Mindminackers

The Artiste formally known as "Wanksy"
In Lineker’s bar

Timothy Pope

I know that Nuno that I know that Nuno that I know


Youth Team
Nuno has already said that he needs to get fitter in general which I think is correct. I reckon there is a good player there but needs a good hard pre season under his belt to catch up with the others. He looks lethargic sometimes but I don’t doubt his talent so think he will come good.

Otis Redding

Try A Little Tenderness
He will be gone in the summer. Been a disaster of a signing so far when you consider the money and what we need in the position we are in.
I'm not saying that he'll definitely stay Dan, although I do hope he does, but surely it's going to be difficult to move him on without losing a huge amount of what was invested in him unless his form is outstanding for the remaining games. I think it will be more advantageous to get him up to speed and performing at his best after a proper pre-season as Indored points out above, be that in the PL or the Championship.


Geoff Thomas
He spent the start of the season trying to bed into a team sat on their own six yard box with no passing outlets.

Then he went off to AFCON when Nuno came in so couldn't get bedded in.

And now he's not yet had a proper opportunity to stake a claim for a place.

He's bossed Champions League games. He's not shit. But of course it's much easier for us fans just to write him off.

We need him. Desperately. The Dominguez/Yates partnership (and the Danilo combinations) is so shockingly bad technically that we have no ball retention and noone offering passing options. We have to get him firing.


He spent the start of the season trying to bed into a team sat on their own six yard box with no passing outlets.

Then he went off to AFCON when Nuno came in so couldn't get bedded in.

And now he's not yet had a proper opportunity to stake a claim for a place.

He's bossed Champions League games. He's not shit. But of course it's much easier for us fans just to write him off.

We need him. Desperately. The Dominguez/Yates partnership (and the Danilo combinations) is so shockingly bad technically that we have no ball retention and noone offering passing options. We have to get him firing.

These feel like weak excuses for a 35m player, the "passing outlets" we've used to absolve most players, but Id expect Sangarre to be able to carry the football & cause damage, the reality is he opts to go backwards under absolutely no pressure half the time.

We're destined to f*** central midfield up every season.


Geoff Thomas
To early to judge in my opinion. Not had a chance to settle and then was away at AFCON and injured.
Our best performance of the season came with him the middle vs Newcastle away, I’m still hopeful.
Even against Brighton he showed positive glimpses where he immediately looked up to split the lines and played a couple of great balls. So I was surprised everyone was giving as much shit as they were for a 20 minute cameo.
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