Le Juif Rouge

Senior Mass Debater
A better marketing campaign would have been Blackburn saying that because of the high unemployment in the area and the austerity that families are feeling.....they will keeping last years shirt for the next 2 years and the shirt will be on sale in the Club Shop for £5.


John Robertson
Derby should have thought of it to go with their 'Just Eat' sponsorship.

Wes' Organ

Derby should have thought of it to go with their 'Just Eat' sponsorship.

Different end if the market, their equivalent would have been a 6 year old snide Barca shirt with a few fag burns, beer and curry stains down the front and a stretched shapless section around the middle.

Not full kit, but definitely full wanker.


Maybe the people at the tills are spelling Psycho wrong, and the people buying them aren't checking the receipt before signing, either way someone is stupid.
If I worked at the club shop and someone came to my till with a shirt and asked for 'Cowen 8', I'd say "Could I ask, do you mean the Forest player Chris Cohen? Or is that a custom name?".

The only way I can think of is if these people are ordering them online, and typing the name in themselves as a custom name, ignoring the spellcheck alert on their computers/laptops and ordering them anyway.
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