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The Mood

Bryn Gunn

Cash is King!
I feel better than I did a few weeks ago. I felt disappointed and disillusioned, now I feel optimistic again.


First Team Squad
Just wondering how everyone's feeling about recent events and the future of the club? Excited, skeptical, optimistic, angry, horny, etc. whatever.?

The moods angry in fact very very angry !!!...one bloody question ' weres the red head gone ???' :hulk:


Steve Chettle
I feel better than I did a few weeks ago. I felt disappointed and disillusioned, now I feel optimistic again.

Yes, I felt as if the whole thing was falling to pieces before the Charlton game, now after Saturday I feel rejuvenated (well, as young as an old man gets to feel!)

Cortez the Killer

Impressive member
Much better after the Ipswich game. Excited at the prospect of Pearce possibly coming. In the grand scheme of things, as Forest fans we have much to be optimistic about, though.

We're clearly stood at a crossroad and the decisions that are made between now and the start of next season will be pivotal for how a good number of seasons to come will ultimately take shape.


Jack Armstrong
Annoyed that they sacked the best manager we've had for 13 years with no real plan in place and only a few games of the season but deliriously optimistic for next season, as always.


First Team Squad
in a state of mental turmoil (which seems to be the norm supporting Forest).

will definitely be happier if Psycho returns though, that first match back, if it happens, will be amazing.

as for the long haul, well we will worry about that later...


Bob McKinlay
Excited. Anybody that's not excited about a club legend coming back is not a true fan.
A mixture of excitment for a new dawn and trepidation if it goes wrong. However, I genuinely don't let it affect me as it's out of my hands and it's only football after all.


One less gobshite...


A. Trialist
The mood definitely was what it was and currently is what it is. I think there's a very good chance it will be what it will be but that's in the hands of other people.


Where's me hammer?
Excited, the pressures off for this season what will be will be..... next year is a new chapter....
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