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Cameron Jerome (sponsored by Barry!)


Viv Anderson
Re: Cameron Jerome

Please dear god no

Just when I thought I was out.. they drag me back in!


Bob McKinlay
Re: Cameron Jerome


I so hope this is true, just for how piss funny it will be.


GAFF LAD. "Open your knees and feel the breeze"
Re: Cameron Jerome

Is Warbo still here?


Where's me hammer?
Re: Cameron Jerome

Just melted my season ticket


„There can be only one King“
LTLF Minion
Re: Cameron Jerome

For f***’s sake.

They’d be better off signing me.


Bob McKinlay
Re: Cameron Jerome


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Oh just because we sold our top youth prospect to bring in "ready-made quality" and that "ready-made" quality is the same bloke who was absolutely chastised on here twelve months ago and gave a lot of people "ammo" to point fingers at the old manager for even considering him as a signing.

I mean, I hope we don't sign him because I don't actually think he's any good, but if we do it'll be hilarious.


Bob McKinlay
Re: Cameron Jerome

I'm genuinely sat here giggling at the prospect of us signing him.

Me too. No one is in the house and I'm just laughing to myself.

It has to be a joke.


„There can be only one King“
LTLF Minion
Re: Cameron Jerome

I think I can hear the laughter from Germany.

account deleted

Re: Cameron Jerome

According to a shit commentator on Sky

As a source that's worse than Nixon
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